Hook Up
Water Hook-Up Procedures
Utility Extension Areas Only
A permit is required. One permit will be issued for both water and sewer hook-up. Permits for new construction and existing structures can be obtained by the plumber or the homeowner online at www.CapeCoral.gov.
- No cross-connection between a potable water supply and any non-potable water supply is permitted. (Well and potable water shall be separate.)
- Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 PVC shall be run from the meter to the building. Please refer to Water Service Minimum ¾” in Section 603, and Separation Water Service and Sewer in Section 603.2.
- Pipe must be at least 12” deep after final grade. Please refer to guidelines setforth in the Water Supply Test, Section 312.5.
- Dual check valve installed by City on meter must not be removed.

- Shut off valve must be installed where the water line enters the building.
- A vacuum breaker on the sprinkler system is required if the potable water is hooked
to the sprinkling system. - An inspection of the water connection is required.
After completion of the water hook-up, turn on water at the meter. Inspections may be scheduled by phone or by internet. - Commercial, industrial, and multi-family (3 or more units) sites are required to install an RPZ Backflow Preventer at the service connection immediately following the water meter. The units shall be maintained by the property owner at their expense. Certification is required at the time of installation. Annual testing is required thereafter. Only American Water Works Association or State Certified Backflow Preventer Testers are allowed to test and certify the backflow preventers. Record keeping of the test reports will be maintained by the City of Cape Coral. All certification reports should be sent to 1800 Everest Parkway, Utilities Division, Collections and Distribution Construction Office, or faxed to the office at (239) 574-0855.
Sanitary Waste Water Hook-Up Procedures
Utility Extension Areas Only
A permit is required. One permit will be issued for both water and sewer hook-up, if necessary. Permits for new construction and existing structures can be obtained online at www.CapeCoral.gov.
- The permit issued must be posted in plain view. The permit must state the name of the installer and will be signed by the inspector upon completion.
- An accessible two-way cleanout shall be installed not less than 18” from the building and every 80’ thereafter.
- The 4” sewer pipe shall have a minimum of 1/8” fall per foot.
- Bends cannot exceed 45 degrees. A combination of bend can be used to achieve proper direction.
- Pipe shall be approved for non-pressure sewer use and marked 3033, 3034, or SCH. 40 PVC or coextruded PVC with stiffness PS 50. Pipe shall be laid so that any identifying markings face upward.
- The electronic marker shall be replaced in its proper position at the connection to the city service lateral.
- Pipe shall be buried with 12” of cover. After inspection, reasonably clean fill shall be used to backfill. Please refer to guidelines set forth in the Gravity Sewer Test Sec. 312.6, Trench and Back Fill Sec. 306, Existing Building Sec. 703.4, Solvent and Primer and Tables 702 and 702.2.
- A properly notarized affidavit certifying proper completion of the gravity test will be accepted by the Building Official. However, the trench must be left open until the inspection has been approved.
- An inspection of the sewer connection is required. LEAVE TRENCH OPEN UNTIL AFTER INSPECTION. Inspections may be scheduled by phone or internet.
- Once the inspection of the sewer hook-up is complete, contact the Lee County Health Department 239-690-2100 concerning the septic tank abandonment inspection.